Latest Awaking Wonder Unit

This month, we are learning about William Tyndale alongside the importance of daily prayer and Bible reading. Tyndale translated the first English New Testament before he was martyred in 1536. Please use caution in the way you present his story to young and sensitive children. You may choose to focus on Bible translation in general. Translation is an ongoing process even today with missionaries hoping to have copies of the Bible in the heart language of every person on earth.

Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength Homeschool Planner

As you pray and plan for your homeschool, we hope this homeschool planner encourages and equips you to mentor hearts, strengthen minds, and disciple souls.

Awaking Wonder at Home: Video Series


Awaking Wonder at Home

Twelve video visits with Sally Clarkson to celebrate Awaking Wonder

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Living Books Series

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Legacy Education Series

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